Housing Society Clinches Quality Building Award 2024 and Other Accolades in Planning and Construction

The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has recently been honoured with three local and international awards in project planning and construction, in recognition of its outstanding performance in providing quality and innovative housing, as well as its achievements in promoting green buildings and sustainable development. Among them, Blissful Place of the “Senior Citizen Residences Scheme” won the Grand Award in the Hong Kong Residential (Single Building) category at the Quality Building Award 2024.

The goal of achieving “ageing in place” has been exemplified in Blissful Place from its planning, design, construction through to resident services. The adoption of gerontechnology, the elderly-friendly flats, residential care home for the elderly, medical care services, and recreational facilities at the project all reflect HKHS’s people-oriented core values.

Jointly organised by nine leading local professional organisations, the Quality Building Award is a biennial major industry event that recognises project teams with outstanding teamwork in the design and construction of quality buildings. The theme of the award this year is “Empowering Innovation | Sustaining Green | Generating Wellness”, which recognises projects that demonstrate innovative and eco-friendly solutions for the benefit of society while committing to work holistically to serve every community to the best of its ability.

另外,房協的「松悦樓」榮獲香港設計大獎 2024「建築-住宅-已建」組別的金獎。該獎由全球知名設計品牌及工作室組成的 BETTER FUTURE主辦,表揚有助建設更美好及可持續發展的創新設計。「松悦樓」是房協首個採用「組裝合成」建築法(MiC)興建的項目,亦是全港首個以鋼製MiC興建的長者房屋,供房協出租屋邨的全長者寬敞戶申請調遷,以騰出原有單位重新編配予其他有需要的家庭,是實踐可持續發展及善用房屋資源的良好示範。

HKHS has also recently been honoured with the Merit Award in the “Planning” category at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Awards 2024 for Ming Wah Dai Ha (MWDH) Redevelopment project. The project is carried out in three phases by adopting the “single site, multiple uses” and “mixed development model” approaches. There is in-situ preservation of existing building elements in the course of redevelopment to enhance the residents’ sense of belonging. The project is also complemented by comprehensive living facilities suitable for people of all ages to foster an inclusive and harmonious community.

Completed in 2021, Phase I of the MWDH Redevelopment project provides 966 rental units, with one-third featuring adaptable designs. Natural lighting, ventilation, aesthetics and multiple factors were taken into full account during the design process of the two blocks. The purple and yellow palettes of the buildings create a unique “garden” community, which also assist senior residents in wayfinding.


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雖然暫時沒有明確根治認知障礙症或腦退化症的方法,但培養健康的飲食習慣、恆常運動、避免吸煙等,都有助減低及延緩退化。每天的食物種類應包括 1)五穀根莖類、2)水果類、3)蔬菜/瓜/菇菌類、4)肉/魚/豆/蛋類 及 5)奶品/加鈣植物奶類等食物。每星期兩至三餐吃含豐富奧米加3脂肪酸的魚類,有助維持腦細胞健康;而適量的蔬菜和水果含豐富抗氧化營養素,有助防止腦細胞老化及受損。


1. 食慾下降




2. 增加味覺的刺激


3. 身體協調功能的改變


4. 咀嚼及吞嚥問題


撰文:基督教聯合那打素社康服務(社區營養服務)註冊營養師 羅曼詩



了解更多:北角雋悅「Joyous Circle」、牛頭角彩頤居「Cheerful Court Care Home」、坑口樂頤居「Jolly Place Care Home





  1. 智能床墊:護理團隊可實時掌握院友睡眠時的狀態,適時予以協助
  2. 跌倒安全偵測:若院友不慎跌倒,當值護理人員可立即前往協助
  3. 緊急召喚鐘:提供支援服務
  4. 感應夜燈:為院友晚上需要起床往洗手間時引路
  5. 人面識別系統及防遊走裝置:加強保安
  6. 獨立通風及空氣質素監察系統:時刻監察院內空氣質素,讓長者入住更安心




The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has recently been crowned multiple awards at the “Quality Property and Facility Management Award 2024” for its outstanding performance in property and facility management. Cho Yiu Chuen, a rental estate, and The Tanner Hill, a non-subsidised quality elderly housing project, received the Grand Award in the categories of “Public Rental Housing” and “Community Housing” respectively. The Tanner Hill also won the inaugural “Theme Award” by achieving the highest score in “Establishing a Wellness Harmony Community”.

The Tanner Hill, winning project of the “Theme Award”, was completed in 2015. It is Hong Kong’s first non-subsidised quality housing project for senior citizens of better affordability. The project provides age-friendly residential units, and also services and facilities to take care of the residents’ physical and mental health, including advanced home care support systems for safety and health monitoring, housekeeping and handyman services, an indoor heated swimming pool, social worker support, as well as healthcare and skilled care services. HKHS also collaborates with different organisations to provide an array of engaging activities for The Tanner Hill’s residents to enjoy active ageing.

Completed in the 1970s, Cho Yiu Chuen is Hong Kong’s first public housing estate built with a swimming pool and comprises an independent living housing block, “Chung Ning Sheh”, designed for the older persons. Cho Yiu Chuen stunned the industry in the early years by winning an architecture award for its aesthetically-pleasing environmental design. In 2022, HKHS piloted a two-year programme “Mind-friendly Estate Model at Cho Yiu Chuen”. By orchestrating diverse community resources, the project helps the residents to reduce stress and enhance their well-being through art. In addition, HKHS’s multi-disciplinary CES (Caring, Engaging and Smart) Team offers support to needy residents, engaging them in estate-based group activities and strengthening the neighbourhood bonding.


The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has recently been honoured with three local and international awards in project planning and construction, in recognition of its outstanding performance in providing quality and innovative housing, as well as its achievements in promoting green buildings and sustainable development. Among them, Blissful Place of the “Senior Citizen Residences Scheme” won the Grand Award in the Hong Kong Residential (Single Building) category at the Quality Building Award 2024.

The goal of achieving “ageing in place” has been exemplified in Blissful Place from its planning, design, construction through to resident services. The adoption of gerontechnology, the elderly-friendly flats, residential care home for the elderly, medical care services, and recreational facilities at the project all reflect HKHS’s people-oriented core values.

Jointly organised by nine leading local professional organisations, the Quality Building Award is a biennial major industry event that recognises project teams with outstanding teamwork in the design and construction of quality buildings. The theme of the award this year is “Empowering Innovation | Sustaining Green | Generating Wellness”, which recognises projects that demonstrate innovative and eco-friendly solutions for the benefit of society while committing to work holistically to serve every community to the best of its ability.

另外,房協的「松悦樓」榮獲香港設計大獎 2024「建築-住宅-已建」組別的金獎。該獎由全球知名設計品牌及工作室組成的 BETTER FUTURE主辦,表揚有助建設更美好及可持續發展的創新設計。「松悦樓」是房協首個採用「組裝合成」建築法(MiC)興建的項目,亦是全港首個以鋼製MiC興建的長者房屋,供房協出租屋邨的全長者寬敞戶申請調遷,以騰出原有單位重新編配予其他有需要的家庭,是實踐可持續發展及善用房屋資源的良好示範。

HKHS has also recently been honoured with the Merit Award in the “Planning” category at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Awards 2024 for Ming Wah Dai Ha (MWDH) Redevelopment project. The project is carried out in three phases by adopting the “single site, multiple uses” and “mixed development model” approaches. There is in-situ preservation of existing building elements in the course of redevelopment to enhance the residents’ sense of belonging. The project is also complemented by comprehensive living facilities suitable for people of all ages to foster an inclusive and harmonious community.

Completed in 2021, Phase I of the MWDH Redevelopment project provides 966 rental units, with one-third featuring adaptable designs. Natural lighting, ventilation, aesthetics and multiple factors were taken into full account during the design process of the two blocks. The purple and yellow palettes of the buildings create a unique “garden” community, which also assist senior residents in wayfinding.