Elderly Resources Centre
The Elderly Resources Centre (ERC), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was set up by the Hong Kong Housing Society in 2005. Through education, health screening, professional consultation and research by Occupational Therapist and Social Worker, ERC aims to promote the concept of “age-friendly home” so that “ageing in place” can be achieved.
2021年12月,「智友善」家居探知館項目在被譽為安老界別「奧斯卡」—新加坡Ageing Asia所主辦的「第九屆亞太區創新老年照護項目大奬」中獲得「年度最佳創新獎—認知障礙症照護方案" by Ageing Asia at the 9th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards, also known as the "Oscars" in the eldercare sector.
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"Age-friendly home" is a home suitable for the elderly in terms of environment, lifestyle and ageing process, ensuring a safe and comfortable living in their late years. As people grow old, they are faced with different challenges from deterioration. Adjustments made to the elderly lifestyle and home environment will help them meet their changing care needs and remain in their own homes as long as possible.
1. Environment:
It includes home and outdoor design and facilities as well as relevant home services that cater for different needs of the elderly.
2. Ageing Process:
In the natural ageing process, there are changes in senses, cognition, physical functioning and psychological condition.
3. Elderly Lifestyle:
The elderly people have their own preferences, habits and patterns of behaviour.
Target Audience
- Elderly or retired people
- Family members and care-givers
- Students
- Professionals from other corporations or institutions
Elderly face different levels of changes in physical body or sensation, including vision, hearing, smell, touch, mobility and cognitive function. All these are natural ageing processes.
Q2. How do elderly adjust their lifestyle to cope with the changes in ageing process?
To achieve healthy lifestyle, elderly can adjust their behaviors on various aspects, for example, having balance diets and regular sleep pattern, doing suitable exercises, quitting dangerous and bad habits. Dangerous habits include climbing up or squatting to get things frequently. These would increase the fall risks.
Q3. What are the examples of "safe, convenient and barrier-free" in an age-friendly home?
可以參考我們our articles here for more information
Q1. What challenges do people with dementia face in daily life?
They face challenges like: different levels of memory loss, confusion about what is real and unreal, difficulty in communicating with others etc. These issues adversely affect daily life, and these are not part of the normal stage of ageing.
Q2. What are the examples of "8 Principles of Mind-Friendly Home Design"?
答:本中心有職業治療師能提供免費的家居改裝諮詢服務,本服務只限提供針對性的家居改裝方案,不設實際的上門家居評估,亦不給予裝修服務或推介裝修工程公司的資料。 (可參考《銀髮家居 DIY》)
答:本中心很歡迎任何人士加入成為我們的服務大使,你可以致電2839 2882查詢。
Tel: 2839 2882
傳真:2385 2136
Address:Shop A-C, G/F., Prosperous Garden, 3 Public Square Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon (Opposite to Cinematheque Broadway)View Larger Map
Opening hours: Mondays - Saturdays: 9:00am to 12:30pm & 1:30pm to 6:00pm, Sundays and public holidays: Closed
Turn to Man Ming Lane from Yau Ma Tei Station Exit C and walk for three minutes to the end of the lane where you will see Wanchai Church Kei To Primary School. Cross the road to Prosperous Garden and you will see a covered entrance to ERC on the right side of the housing estate.For wheelchair users:view the direction(From Yau Ma Tei Station Exit B)
Target Audience:elderly or retired people, family members and care-givers, students, professionals from other corporations or institutions
Services:health screening, guided tours and experiential activities, education and training, professional consultation, ambassador services, research, online resources
中心致力在社區層面推廣「長者友善家居」,以協助長者「居家安老」,並設計了不同主題的參觀,包括Health Exploration Tours,Guided Tours,Experiential Tours,由專人帶領參觀及講解,敬請預約。
地址:九龍油麻地眾坊街3號駿發花園地下 A-C鋪 (百老匯電影中心對面) 地圖
For enquiries, please call 2839 2882.
不便之處,懇請見諒。如有查詢,請致電2839 2882.
Housing Society Highly Acclaimed at Eldercare Innovation Awards
- 「得悉原來家居生活上可以有很多體貼長者的心思,大至家居裝修,小至善用高科技產品…… 房協此舉,不僅長者受惠,對身為中年子女的我們,也幫助不少,因為家中大B (家中長者) 安居樂活、聽話健康,我們才可安心工作和生活。」—利嘉敏博士(香港中文大學新聞及傳播學院副教授)
- 「從參觀得悉樂齡科技最新發展並受到啟發,深感滿意。」—楊婉蘭博士(香港城市大學社會及行為科學系副教授)
- 「在房協製作的VR(虛擬實景)遊戲中,我模擬一隻小貓。我覺得這一個方法,令我對長者友善友這件事更加有深刻印象。」—張文惠(香港專業教育學院(葵涌)視力保健護理高級文憑課程學生)
答:本中心有職業治療師能提供免費的家居改裝諮詢服務,本服務只限提供針對性的家居改裝方案,不設實際的上門家居評估,亦不給予裝修服務或推介裝修工程公司的資料。 (可參考《銀髮家居 DIY》)
答:本中心很歡迎任何人士加入成為我們的服務大使,你可以致電2839 2882查詢。
Click to download申請表
Health Exploration Tours
To raise health awareness in elderly people, five thematic tours are designed to screen their body functions, including: healthy ageing, brain health, visual health, joint health, sarcopenia and fall prevention.
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InnovAge Home Guided Tour and ExporAge Tour
As a result of age-related deterioration, the existing home design may fail to meet the needs of the elderly. We set up two age-friendly show flats for elderly with different needs, showcasing the latest gerontech products and assistive devices.
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Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour and Mind-Friendly Home Experiential Tour
In their daily living, people with dementia are facing many challenges, especially in their home environment. We set up Mind-Friendly Home Exploration Centre, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to showcase the Mind-Friendly home design and aids.
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Visual Health Tour (In-venue)
Date: 11 Feb 2025 (Feb)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:30PM
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/MSuN9f6SbH
Date: to be confirmed
Time: to be confirmed
Online registration: to be confirmed

InnovAge Home Guided Tour and Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour (In-venue)
Date: 5 Feb 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00NN
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/gUvyC4N6FN
Date: 26 Feb 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00NN
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/ZHPzVJALTd

ERC provides trainings to ambassadors of all ages, so that they could serve the elderly by participating in voluntary service in their leisure time. To promote the concept of Age-friendly Home to help the elderly age in place, ambassadors equipped with knowledge of age-friendly living environment, healthy ageing and lifestyle to have safe and convenient living.
Through continuing training sessions and activities, the ambassadors enrich their knowledge, serve the community and expand social network.


HKHS was conferred the "SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards 2022" by France's SilverEco, as a recognition of our retirement housing projects in providing holistic support for quality living to the elderly. We are the first in Hong Kong being awarded and the only international awardees from Asia this year.

The MIND-Friendly Home Exploration Centre of ERC received the award "Innovation of the Year – Dementia Care Model Solution" at the 9th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2021 organised by Ageing Asia in Singapore, recognising ERC's outstanding achievements in elderly care services. The award is known as the "Oscars" in the eldercare sector.

ERC won the Silver Award for Volunteer Service (Organization), for the contribution of our ambassadors' service to the community in 2020, even under the pandemic.

ERC website and WES received the "Tripe Gold Award" and "Gold Award" respectively in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2020-2021, which adopts web accessibility design to facilitate easy access to online information. The Scheme is co-organized by HKIRC and OGCIO.

ERC was presented with "Golden Star Award", the highest honour in the Age-Friendly Appreciation Scheme 2020-2021, for its commitment to and outstanding performance in promoting "Age-friendly City" message and caring for the elderly. The Scheme is organized by HKCSS.

ERC won the Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organization) for 15 years in a row, and Award of 10,000 hours for Volunteer Service for the fourth time.
Established in 2022, the Living Lab in Gerontechnology for Age-Friendly Home (Age-Friendly Home Living Lab) of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is Hong Kong’s first Living Lab registered under the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). The Age-Friendly Home Living Lab advocates age-friendly home concept with the application of user-driven and experience-based innovations, and promotes better adoption of the growing universality of smart technologies, to enable elderly to age-in-place.
Dr Carmen Ng Ka-man, Social and Elderly Wellness Director of the HKHS cum Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab remarked during the General Assembly of ENoLL (Open Living Lab Days 2022) in Italy, “the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab” aims to serve as an engagement platform, which gathers different stakeholders, from users such as seniors and caregivers, academia, professionals to corporates, to co-create various age-friendly home designs riding on the fast development of gerontechnology. Being accredited by the membership of ENoLL, not only motivate the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab to keep up with its work, but also foster international collaborations, and maximize the potential of its continuous development.
Know more about:https://erc.hkhselderly.com/erc/en/content.php?pid=42
Health Exploration Tours
To raise health awareness in elderly people, five thematic tours are designed to screen their body functions, including: healthy ageing, brain health, visual health, joint health, sarcopenia and fall prevention.
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InnovAge Home Guided Tour and ExporAge Tour
As a result of age-related deterioration, the existing home design may fail to meet the needs of the elderly. We set up two age-friendly show flats for elderly with different needs, showcasing the latest gerontech products and assistive devices.
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Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour and Mind-Friendly Home Experiential Tour
In their daily living, people with dementia are facing many challenges, especially in their home environment. We set up Mind-Friendly Home Exploration Centre, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to showcase the Mind-Friendly home design and aids.
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Visual Health Tour (In-venue)
Date: 11 Feb 2025 (Feb)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:30PM
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/MSuN9f6SbH
Date: to be confirmed
Time: to be confirmed
Online registration: to be confirmed

InnovAge Home Guided Tour and Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour (In-venue)
Date: 5 Feb 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00NN
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/gUvyC4N6FN
Date: 26 Feb 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10:00AM - 12:00NN
Online registration:https://forms.office.com/r/ZHPzVJALTd

ERC provides trainings to ambassadors of all ages, so that they could serve the elderly by participating in voluntary service in their leisure time. To promote the concept of Age-friendly Home to help the elderly age in place, ambassadors equipped with knowledge of age-friendly living environment, healthy ageing and lifestyle to have safe and convenient living.
Through continuing training sessions and activities, the ambassadors enrich their knowledge, serve the community and expand social network.


HKHS was conferred the "SilverEco and Ageing Well International Awards 2022" by France's SilverEco, as a recognition of our retirement housing projects in providing holistic support for quality living to the elderly. We are the first in Hong Kong being awarded and the only international awardees from Asia this year.

The MIND-Friendly Home Exploration Centre of ERC received the award "Innovation of the Year – Dementia Care Model Solution" at the 9th Asia Pacific Eldercare Innovation Awards 2021 organised by Ageing Asia in Singapore, recognising ERC's outstanding achievements in elderly care services. The award is known as the "Oscars" in the eldercare sector.

ERC won the Silver Award for Volunteer Service (Organization), for the contribution of our ambassadors' service to the community in 2020, even under the pandemic.

ERC website and WES received the "Tripe Gold Award" and "Gold Award" respectively in the Web Accessibility Recognition Scheme 2020-2021, which adopts web accessibility design to facilitate easy access to online information. The Scheme is co-organized by HKIRC and OGCIO.

ERC was presented with "Golden Star Award", the highest honour in the Age-Friendly Appreciation Scheme 2020-2021, for its commitment to and outstanding performance in promoting "Age-friendly City" message and caring for the elderly. The Scheme is organized by HKCSS.

ERC won the Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Organization) for 15 years in a row, and Award of 10,000 hours for Volunteer Service for the fourth time.
Established in 2022, the Living Lab in Gerontechnology for Age-Friendly Home (Age-Friendly Home Living Lab) of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) is Hong Kong’s first Living Lab registered under the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL). The Age-Friendly Home Living Lab advocates age-friendly home concept with the application of user-driven and experience-based innovations, and promotes better adoption of the growing universality of smart technologies, to enable elderly to age-in-place.
Dr Carmen Ng Ka-man, Social and Elderly Wellness Director of the HKHS cum Chairperson of the Steering Committee of the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab remarked during the General Assembly of ENoLL (Open Living Lab Days 2022) in Italy, “the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab” aims to serve as an engagement platform, which gathers different stakeholders, from users such as seniors and caregivers, academia, professionals to corporates, to co-create various age-friendly home designs riding on the fast development of gerontechnology. Being accredited by the membership of ENoLL, not only motivate the Age-Friendly Home Living Lab to keep up with its work, but also foster international collaborations, and maximize the potential of its continuous development.
Know more about:https://erc.hkhselderly.com/erc/en/content.php?pid=42
Joyous Circle
Joyous Circle is a renowned elderly facility owned and operated by Hong Kong Housing Society. The facility strives to provide quality residential care home service, day care and rehabilitation service to the senior citizens especially those dementia members in our community.

Cheerful Court Care Home
Located in Ngau Tau Kok, Cheerful Court Care Home is one of the recognised service providers under the "The Residential Care Service Voucher (RCSV) Scheme for the Elderly” by the Social Welfare Department. A total of 55 beds including single bedroom, twin bedroom, 4-bed rooms and 6-bed rooms are available.

Jolly Place Care Home
Located in Tseung Kwan O, Jolly Place Care Home was renovated in 2024, which offers a total of 38 beds including twin bedrooms, 3-bed rooms and converted single bedrooms. The adoption of various gerontechnologies, coupled with one-stop care services, it provides residents with comprehensive support and continuous care, extending a home from home.

Elderly Resources Centre
The Elderly Resources Centre (ERC), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was set up by the Hong Kong Housing Society in 2005. Through education, health screening, professional consultation and research by Occupational Therapist and Social Worker, ERC aims to promote the concept of “age-friendly home” so that “ageing in place” can be achieved.

Caring Engaging Smart
Caring, Engaging and Smart (CES) is a multi-disciplinary team composed of social workers, occupational therapists and service officers. The CES Team operates under “Estate-based Social Support Network Model” by adopting “Caring”, “Engaging” and “Smart” as the service values. The team provides housing, health as well as social support to tenants through case management, therapeutic groups and programmes; and facilitates tenants to develop trust, solidarity, mutual support and reciprocity through forming neighbourhood mutual support networks, so as to achieve “Building Closer Neighbourhood for a Stronger Community”. This model would facilitate synergy among different levels of services and help our tenants to build social capital and support elders to age in place.