Elderly Resources Centre

About Us

Health Exploration Tours

To raise health awareness in elderly people, five thematic tours are designed to screen their body functions, including: healthy ageing, brain health, visual health, joint health, sarcopenia and fall prevention.
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InnovAge Home Guided Tour and ExporAge Tour

As a result of age-related deterioration, the existing home design may fail to meet the needs of the elderly. We set up two age-friendly show flats for elderly with different needs, showcasing the latest gerontech products and assistive devices.
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Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour and Mind-Friendly Home Experiential Tour

In their daily living, people with dementia are facing many challenges, especially in their home environment. We set up Mind-Friendly Home Exploration Centre, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to showcase the Mind-Friendly home design and aids.
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Health Exploration Tours

To raise health awareness in elderly people, five thematic tours are designed to screen their body functions, including: healthy ageing, brain health, visual health, joint health, sarcopenia and fall prevention.
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InnovAge Home Guided Tour and ExporAge Tour

As a result of age-related deterioration, the existing home design may fail to meet the needs of the elderly. We set up two age-friendly show flats for elderly with different needs, showcasing the latest gerontech products and assistive devices.
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Mind-friendly Home Guided Tour and Mind-Friendly Home Experiential Tour

In their daily living, people with dementia are facing many challenges, especially in their home environment. We set up Mind-Friendly Home Exploration Centre, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, to showcase the Mind-Friendly home design and aids.
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Joyous Circle

Joyous Circle is a renowned elderly facility owned and operated by Hong Kong Housing Society. The facility strives to provide quality residential care home service, day care and rehabilitation service to the senior citizens especially those dementia members in our community.


Cheerful Court Care Home

Located in Ngau Tau Kok, Cheerful Court Care Home is one of the recognised service providers under the "The Residential Care Service Voucher (RCSV) Scheme for the Elderly” by the Social Welfare Department. A total of 55 beds including single bedroom, twin bedroom, 4-bed rooms and 6-bed rooms are available.​


Jolly Place Care Home

Located in Tseung Kwan O, Jolly Place Care Home was renovated in 2024, which offers a total of 38 beds including twin bedrooms, 3-bed rooms and converted single bedrooms. The adoption of various gerontechnologies, coupled with one-stop care services, it provides residents with comprehensive support and continuous care, extending a home from home.


Elderly Resources Centre

The Elderly Resources Centre (ERC), the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was set up by the Hong Kong Housing Society in 2005. Through education, health screening, professional consultation and research by Occupational Therapist and Social Worker, ERC aims to promote the concept of “age-friendly home” so that “ageing in place” can be achieved.


Caring Engaging Smart

Caring, Engaging and Smart (CES) is a multi-disciplinary team composed of social workers, occupational therapists and service officers. The CES Team operates under “Estate-based Social Support Network Model” by adopting “Caring”, “Engaging” and “Smart” as the service values. The team provides housing, health as well as social support to tenants through case management, therapeutic groups and programmes; and facilitates tenants to develop trust, solidarity, mutual support and reciprocity through forming neighbourhood mutual support networks, so as to achieve “Building Closer Neighbourhood for a Stronger Community”. This model would facilitate synergy among different levels of services and help our tenants to build social capital and support elders to age in place.
