香港房屋協會與香港理工大學康復治療科學系 康復治療伙伴合作計劃



  • 腦神經康復訓練 – 引進由香港理工大學神經科學中心實驗室主任及康復治療科學系 彭耀宗教授所研究的『身心並用』能力的社區康復訓練,讓物理治療師更有效改善慢性中風患者或腦神經復康人士的步行能力,減低因跌倒而受傷的風險。結合職業治療師,改善患者日常活動如進食、穿衣、洗澡、如廁、吞嚥等能力,並針對其思維、記憶、解決問題、手眼協調等能力的失衡,作出相應治療。
  • 認知康復治療 – 由香港理工大學康復治療科學系 方乃權教授指導將科技,如VR、social robot等融入治療認知障礙症患者,在專業評估認知狀況後,提供嶄新及針對性治療,以保持/延緩患者退化,減輕照顧者的壓力。
  • 肌肉骨骼症狀復康 – 由香港理工大學康復治療科學系 符少娥教授將過去用作訓練/治療國家運動員的技術 – 加壓訓練/血流量訓練(Blood Flow Restriction Training)引入治療膝/髖關節置換手術後復康。為個別患者設計個人化的治療和運動鍛鍊,從而更有效地進行康復療程。


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The Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) has recently been honoured with three local and international awards in project planning and construction, in recognition of its outstanding performance in providing quality and innovative housing, as well as its achievements in promoting green buildings and sustainable development. Among them, Blissful Place of the “Senior Citizen Residences Scheme” won the Grand Award in the Hong Kong Residential (Single Building) category at the Quality Building Award 2024.

The goal of achieving “ageing in place” has been exemplified in Blissful Place from its planning, design, construction through to resident services. The adoption of gerontechnology, the elderly-friendly flats, residential care home for the elderly, medical care services, and recreational facilities at the project all reflect HKHS’s people-oriented core values.

Jointly organised by nine leading local professional organisations, the Quality Building Award is a biennial major industry event that recognises project teams with outstanding teamwork in the design and construction of quality buildings. The theme of the award this year is “Empowering Innovation | Sustaining Green | Generating Wellness”, which recognises projects that demonstrate innovative and eco-friendly solutions for the benefit of society while committing to work holistically to serve every community to the best of its ability.

另外,房協的「松悦樓」榮獲香港設計大獎 2024「建築-住宅-已建」組別的金獎。該獎由全球知名設計品牌及工作室組成的 BETTER FUTURE主辦,表揚有助建設更美好及可持續發展的創新設計。「松悦樓」是房協首個採用「組裝合成」建築法(MiC)興建的項目,亦是全港首個以鋼製MiC興建的長者房屋,供房協出租屋邨的全長者寬敞戶申請調遷,以騰出原有單位重新編配予其他有需要的家庭,是實踐可持續發展及善用房屋資源的良好示範。

HKHS has also recently been honoured with the Merit Award in the “Planning” category at the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors Awards 2024 for Ming Wah Dai Ha (MWDH) Redevelopment project. The project is carried out in three phases by adopting the “single site, multiple uses” and “mixed development model” approaches. There is in-situ preservation of existing building elements in the course of redevelopment to enhance the residents’ sense of belonging. The project is also complemented by comprehensive living facilities suitable for people of all ages to foster an inclusive and harmonious community.

Completed in 2021, Phase I of the MWDH Redevelopment project provides 966 rental units, with one-third featuring adaptable designs. Natural lighting, ventilation, aesthetics and multiple factors were taken into full account during the design process of the two blocks. The purple and yellow palettes of the buildings create a unique “garden” community, which also assist senior residents in wayfinding.






  • 日期:2024年10月4日(星期五)
  • 時間:上午10:30 – 中午12:30



房協與理工大學簽訂合作意向書 創造可持續的跨代玩樂空間

The Housing Society has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the PolyU-NAMI 3D Concrete Robotic Printing Research Centre (RCC3D) to collaborate on the research of utilising innovative 3D concrete printing technology and upcycled concrete materials to construct intergenerational play spaces in Jat Ming Chuen. Through this collaboration, we aim to produce concrete products that are both aesthetically pleasing and low in carbon emissions, creating a unique landmark in Jat Ming Chuen by building more intergenerational play spaces, so as to foster interactions and communications among tenants of different ages, as well as to promote social and environmental sustainable development.

As early as 2021, the Housing Society piloted an Intergenerational Programme in Jat Ming Chuen, transforming some available public spaces into play areas. This included laying a 250-meter long Nordic-style walking path in the estate's open space, establishing a 54-square-meter area for emerging sports activities, and setting up a toy bank in void spaces to encourage participation from the elderly, middle-aged, and young people, promoting intergenerational solidarity. The Housing Society collaborated with the Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (DISI) in 2022, to deepen the development of intergenerational play spaces in Jat Ming Chuen. After a year of design, the conceptual design of the play spaces was finalised at the end of last year. Based on the success of Jat Ming Chuen, we envisioned to expand the programme to other rental estates of the Housing Society in the future, promoting interactions between the elderly and young people to achieve intergenerational harmony, and fostering the development of sustainable intergenerational communities.


五十肩,又稱肩周炎 (英文稱Frozen Shoulder),是肩關節周圍肌肉、肌腱、滑囊和關節囊等軟組織的慢性炎症,導致肩關節疼痛和活動受限制,常發生在四、五十歲的中年人身上。肩周炎發病過程緩慢,但一旦出現症狀,就會迅速加重。初期可能只是肩關節僵硬,舉高及轉動手臂困難,肩部隱隱作痛,許多人誤以為只要休息一下就會自然康復,而忽略了及時治療。然而,隨著時間增長,症狀會逐漸加重,最終嚴重影響日常生活,連進行簡單的動作如吃飯、穿脫衣服、摸背、洗臉、梳頭等等簡單動作都變得困難。









撰文:基督教聯合那打素社康服務 賽馬會天水圍社區健康中心 註冊中醫師 陳俊偉

房協長者安居資源中心以長者關注的健康議題,為長者設計了五個不同主題的身體測試項目,包括:整體健康、認知能力、視覺功能、關節及肌肉。中心提供的健康探索團,由專人帶領參觀及講解,查詢請電 2839 2882。
